Proposal MAA as an airport for small traffic off the runway | 1Limburg

The Limburg Parliament is against fully developing the scenario to turn Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) into a small traffic airport. A majority considers this possibility unrealistic.

A motion by D66 to work out the option of MAA as an airport for small traffic in an equivalent way, as well as four other scenarios, was rejected by 26 to 17 votes.

To vote
In addition to D66, SP, GroenLinks, PvdA, Lokaal-Limburg, 50Plus and Fractie Palmen supported the motion. The CDA, VVD, PVV, Forum for Democracy, SVL and the Party for the Animals voted against. In a previous committee meeting, PVV member of parliament Roger Ernst had expressed his support for the D66 proposal. But in the end, the group decided otherwise.

CDA member of parliament Wouter IJpelaar called the motion ‘sympathetic’. “But we can think of a few more. Let’s work out the most promising ones. Moreover, we shouldn’t saddle the civil service with extra work at five to twelve,” says IJpelaar.

Small traffic airport
States member Marcel Thewissen of SVL argued that the figures and data about MAA as a small airport are supplied and passed on in the definitive social cost and benefit analysis (SCBA), of which the final version will be published shortly. “The D66 proposal deliberately torpedoed the official progress of the process,” he said.

D66 member of parliament Hans van Wageningen, who submitted the motion, emphasized that it is not about a choice for or against MAA as a small airport, but that it is about getting all future scenarios objective, equal and elaborated on the table. “It is good for the support base to also consider this possibility. Only then will we know whether it is realistic and feasible. So why not develop it as well? That is my appeal,” explained Van Wageningen.

Clear reasons
Deputy Stephan Satijn (VVD) stated that it is up to the Limburg Parliament to make a choice, but that there were a number of clear reasons for the provincial government not to make a fifth scenario of the small airport in the SCBA.

For example, that option would mean that no more cargo flights would take place from MAA, meaning that the airport would no longer be an airport of national importance and no longer lay claim to government money. It is also questionable whether air traffic control will still be maintained because it only concerns 70 to 80 flights a year. “The ministry is about that. We will also ask them for a response. But the conclusion could well be that flights for the maintenance companies Samco and Maas are no longer possible,” said Satijn.

He further emphasized that even at a small airport, the expensive renovation of the runway remains necessary. And that the NEDAB costs (the non-economic services of general interest) such as the fire service and safety will also remain.

“This scenario is therefore considerably less realistic than the four others,” concluded Satijn. Three of those four concern growth scenarios, one of which assumes that in the long term, only sustainable electric flights will be made from MAA. The option of closing the airport is also being considered.

Final proposal
On April 19, the provincial government will come up with a final proposal about the future. MON. It should also be clear by then what the current talks with Schiphol have yielded. The Limburg Parliament must then make a decision on 3 June.
