Property hunting for redemption in the national team: that’s why he wanted to be in Budapest

After failing to qualify for the World Cup, Immobile had also thought about leaving. Mancini’s call-up had now given him new motivations, which is why, despite the physical problem, he really wanted to take part in the expedition for tomorrow’s Nations League match.

Ciro Immobile couldn’t wait to go back to wearing the blue shirt. That is the point of departure for him in his return to the national team. In the background the great bitterness for the lack of qualification for the World Cup in Qatar, another missed appointment with the most prestigious football competition after the one missed in Russia. But he won’t play tomorrow in Hungary, as he already did on Friday against England. Stopped by hamstring edema. Despite everything, he had expressed his willingness to follow the team in Budapest. To stay close to his teammates, perhaps to live together another evening of glory after the one in Milan two days ago. He feels very attached to the blue shirt despite a troubled relationship. The triumph at the European Championship last year has sublimated his pride in being part of the national team. Failure to qualify for the World Cup in Qatar was a tremendous disappointment starting from the personal side of him. But at 32, with his horizons inevitably narrowing, the Lazio striker does not intend to reduce his transport for the national team.


“There are,” he told Roberto Mancini to answer the new call. The coach gave him all his confidence. After the defeat against Macedonia, Immobile had thought he was also at his end of the line in blue between 55 appearances with 15 goals. He felt trapped by criticism and tension. Poisons addressed to his family had also flown on his social network. The temptation to say goodbye to the national team has pressed him. The stop at the ankle at the end of the season did not make him available for the Azzurri commitments. Thus the September convocation had the meaning of the restart. With a renewed enthusiasm on the part of Immobile. Who showed up in the Coverciano retreat with his morale recharged also by the brace in the Cremona match that brought his tally in the league to five goals. The captain’s armband in Lazio has increased his charisma as a leader. As well as the sense of responsibility towards the group. In the same way he feels in the national team, in addition to the motivation of having goals to give also to the blue cause, the desire to be able to guide the young forwards. A big brother role that can add further harmony in blue. Not being able to be with his team mates in Hungary for Ciro Immobile was therefore just another bitterness.
