Promotion of competitive sports – perspective squad without payment

Athletics: German championship, decisions, javelin women: Josefa Schepp, TSG Bayer 04 Leverkusen, takes seventh place.

Javelin thrower Josefa Schepp at the German Championships 2022: (picture alliance / dpa / Soeren Stache)

Track and field athletes in the perspective squad normally receive a monthly payment from Deutsche Sporthilfe. However, because their association did not coordinate a squad enlargement with Sporthilfe, 78 now have to do without the usual funding.

19-year-old javelin thrower Josefa Schepp says she was very happy to be included in the perspective squad. From the youth squad it would now go to the adults. That also means more privileges: physiotherapy, more training camps and training with adults.

She didn’t have to move for it herself, says Schepp. In 2019 she moved from Marl to Leverkusen in a professional training environment. But others would have additional costs if they switch to the perspective squad and Olympic bases in other places, she says.

“Pretty unfair”

When she found out that she would not receive any monthly support from Deutsche Sporthilfe, she was “a bit shocked, sad, disappointed. Yes, of course you feel badly treated, neglected, because you actually performed the same as all the other athletes in recent years. And of course it’s quite unfair that we are then treated differently than the athletes in previous years.”

According to their information, the reason for this lies with the German Athletics Association (DLV): “I would say that it was simply not communicated well enough between the DLV and Sporthilfe Sporthilfe agreed and that’s how it came about.”

The athletes concerned then contacted the association via the athletes’ spokeswoman. But the DLV reacts slowly, says Schepp. The result of a review should come in four to six weeks. She hadn’t really heard much from the DLV.

“Somehow make ends meet”

Now the financial gap at Schepp also has to be filled in an emergency: “Parents still have to carry a lot. That’s how it is for me now. I think that’s still the case with many of the other athletes I’ve talked to.”

An unpleasant situation for the affected athletes: “I’m lucky that I’m getting a scholarship from the Sports Foundation NRW. I’m very happy about that. And then just about Bafög. You have to try to make ends meet somehow.”

“Get something back for achievements”

However, Schepp does not question her fundamental enjoyment of competitive sport: “Of course it’s disappointing when you don’t get the right support from your own association. Of course you still want to show your own performance. But of course you also want to be able to play for gets something back for his achievements.”

Schepp has little hope of finding a solution. The association doesn’t get any closer to the DLV’s goal of being one of the five best athletics nations in the world again in 2028, she thinks: “Of course, things would have to go a lot differently in order to be right at the top again.”
