Promises for Velsen-Noord an improvement, or a blanket for the bleeding?

Probably shore power for the refugee cruise ship, perhaps a bus through Velsen-Noord and the guarantee that the ship must leave immediately in case of persistent problems. In particular, the city council conveyed those pressing residents’ wishes to a benevolent-looking mayor in a council session last night. Some parties saw his promises as ‘the beginning of the revitalization of Velsen-Noord’, others called it ‘just a wipe for the bleeding.’

Today the Board of B&W takes the final decision that a thousand people would be accommodated on a cruise ship in Velsen-Noord, and up to a hundred minors in Driehuis. There seems to be no way back.

One of the concerns of residents living near the VOB quay was the potential noise nuisance that electricity generation would cause. Last night it became clear that the cruise ship must be able to run on shore power at ‘normal load’. Generators will only have to be installed for peak times, until ‘stronger shore power connections are made’.

Mayor Frank Dales hopes to be able to have it built soon, but during last night’s city council session he said half-jokingly: “Have you ever tried to make an appointment with Liander?”, just to make it clear that that could take a while. .

He promised the council that it would immediately address one of the pillars under the refugee reception in Velsen: that the government will give pressing Velsen issues priority, “I will put pressure on the government from Velsen to put pressure on Liander”, he said. the major.

Two shuttle buses, but no public transport

An earlier resident care could be removed earlier, during the walk-in evenings: the only GP in Velsen-Noord will not be even more questioned by the arrival of the refugees; who will receive medical care on the cruise ship.

Although the city council can officially change little about the plans of the college of Mayor Dales, yesterday it seemed eager to make improvements. off the board for the reception plan clearly to be taken seriously.

When Levendig Gezond Velsen (LGV) said ‘to find it sour that two shuttle buses could be made available for a thousand refugees, but that there was no longer any public transport for five thousand Velsen-Noorders’, Dales promised that Velsen-Noorders would also use the bus. should be able to use.

‘Delay does not lead to adjustment’

Forum for Democracy tried to postpone the final board decision on the reception, but the other parties saw nothing in that. Forza and LGV said they would prefer not to see the ship, but did not see how “procrastination would lead to cancellation”.

During the walk-in evenings on the matter, Tuesday and Wednesday in Velsen-North and three house It turned out that residents of Velsen-Noord in particular are concerned about their safety. Almost all parties presented these concerns to the mayor in different terms yesterday.

Dales tried to reassure the council by recalling that such a provision is already in the contract with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). “But not with the first best incident, because incidents will naturally occur. Only if the nuisance is structural and the measures do not help, will we dissolve the agreement.”
