Prohibition of hate demonstrations and prosecutions necessary

From BZ

Anti-Israel rallies are irritating Berlin these days. German and Berlin politicians didn’t want to admit it. Immigration to Germany also leads to immigration of conflicts from distant home countries.

How many Berlin Palestinians have family members in the Gaza Strip? Israel’s reactions are inevitably viewed critically. I don’t have to comment on Hamas’ atrocities. Demonstrative support for the attack on Israel is joining forces with criminals.

It has no place on the streets of Berlin or other cities in Germany. A large number of participants do not distinguish between permissible criticism of Israel’s Palestine policy and the Hamas massacres. Hamas wants to destroy the Jewish state. Many members are serious about the goal of driving the Jews into the sea. Demonstrations of this kind have no place on the streets and in the bars of Berlin. They are not covered by freedom of expression. A ban on demonstrations and prosecutions are necessary.

But that’s not enough.

In addition to my concern about an expansion of the Middle East conflict, there is also concern that the dispute over developments in Gaza and the West Banks will also escalate in Berlin and permanently disrupt the coexistence of the population groups living here.

What is urgently needed is a more forceful distancing of Muslim and Palestinian organizations. The existence of the State of Israel is part of Germany’s reason of state. This does not necessarily mean supporting all tendencies in Israeli domestic, foreign and defense policy. During my visits to Israel, I also developed reservations about the settlement policy and the displacement of Muslim residents from their ancestral homes in East Jerusalem. But that doesn’t justify Hamas’ terror.

However, differentiation in the public discussion could promote social interaction with large groups from Palestine in Berlin. Hamas must not divide Neukölln either. This can also be a contribution against imported anti-Semitism. In my view, it represents the main part of anti-Semitism in Germany.

I’m worried about the discussions in schools. The proportion of students with family connections to the Middle East is large in individual Berlin districts. Not just in Neukölln. Pedagogical skills are necessary. Some help in dealing with politically emotional young people would be helpful.

This also includes an updated, nuanced introduction to the complicated history of the Middle East.
