Professors attack, the student also pays for the school

Lor student attacking a professor, if convicted, will also have to compensate the school. This is what an amendment to the bill provides on the evaluation of student behavior filed in the Senate. What will happen, essentially, if the measure is approved?

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Assaults on teachers, the student will also compensate the school

In case of conviction for crimes against school staff, the attacker, in this case the student, will always be obliged to pay a fine of 500 to 10 thousand euros «by way of pecuniary compensation in favor of the educational institution belonging to the offended person”. Therefore, in addition to compensation to the victim, the law will also impose a heavy fine on the school for the damage to its image suffered.

Tightening of the rules of conduct

The Minister of Education and MeritGiuseppe Valditara, had already announced that a measure in this sense would be taken in light of the increasingly frequent episodes of this kind within the school: according to Ministry data, in fact, last year there were 36 complaints and since the beginning year they were 28 cases of attacks on teachers and school staff in general.

The Government is trying to stop the phenomenon of attacks on teachers by students with more severe punishments (Getty Images)

Too much violence within the school

The last serious case occurred on February 5th at the Enaip professional training center in Varese where a 17-year-old student stabbed one of his teachers. What is increasing, however, is not only the attacks on school staff by students, but also those by parents, who are a little too aggressive against the “unfair judgments”, according to them, given by teachers to their children.

Punishment or education?

The Government therefore chooses the hard line, that of punishments. The opposition, but also many experts, do not agree on the method that we want to adopt and are opposed to the punishment system to correct mistakeswhich would only bring negative effects on the ability to self-regulate and self-esteem, the education. Given that no one should ever use violence against another person and rightly those who do so must understand that gestures and actions have consequences for which one must take responsibility, especially when one is younger a question comes spontaneously. How will the Government manage to make a student who doesn’t work pay? Because if a minor, and in any case not under the age of 14, they will be the parents, but what if an adult? Some details still need to be ironed out.

