Professional football player breaks loose in a candy store and has to go to jail

The Osse professional football player Abdullah T. was convicted of attempted serious assault and destruction in a candy store in Oss in June last year. The footballer, who plays in Turkey, hit the head of the victim who was also present in the store with his fists. The 26-year-old T. was given four months in prison, one month of which was conditional.

A passerby who intervened during the assault could not prevent the footballer from kicking his victim a few more times. Because of that kick, justice actually wanted to convict the footballer for attempted manslaughter.

no shoes
Camera images showed that the footballer was not wearing shoes, making the stairs potentially less dangerous. The judges therefore convicted the footballer ‘only’ for aggravated assault. Because he also broke some stuff in the store, destruction was added.

The court imposed a relatively severe sentence because there were many witnesses to the explosion of violence in the store, including children. The footballer also continues to blame the victim. who would have called him names and pushed him. But no witness has seen or heard this. In addition to a prison sentence, the athlete must pay compensation of 1,600 euros.

The footballer said he was sorry, but the court finds that this is functional regret. The judges have the impression that the footballer is mainly concerned about what a conviction means for his football career.
