Professional cyclist Bernal largely healed after a serious fall

Bogotá (AP) – Three months after his serious fall, the Colombian professional cyclist Egan Bernal has largely recovered from his injuries.

The vertebral fractures have healed well, his doctor Gustavo Uriza said in a video conference at the National Academy of Medicine in Colombia. From a medical point of view, the former Tour de France winner could take part in competitions again in about four weeks. Bernal wants to return to Europe in the coming days and resume training there.

The driver of the British team Ineos drove into a stationary bus during training in Colombia at the end of January. The Giro winner suffered several broken bones, including eleven ribs, two vertebrae, a thigh and a kneecap. In addition, both lungs were perforated. Bernal himself had put his chances of not being paraplegic at only five percent. Only about three weeks later he was training again on the home trainer.
