Professional burglar has to go to prison for four years despite tears and regret

Whole and half confessions, regrets and tears. It did not help Nicky P. from Den Bosch. The 37-year-old serial burglar has to go back to prison. In the summer of 2021, he was guilty of fifteen burglaries and thefts in the municipality of Den Bosch, according to the court in Den Bosch. He also threatened a victim. P. was sentenced to four years in prison.

When his prison sentence is over, he will also not be allowed to drive for eight months. This is because in June 2021 he did life-threatening antics with a car. The car turned out to be stolen and the man was driving without a driver’s license. P. must also pay thousands of euros in compensation to people he has stolen.

He had previously been imprisoned for nine years for so-called property crimes. He is known to the police. So well known, in fact, that during the trial he was very relaxed catching up with investigative agents. De Bosschenaar had been free again for a year, with an ankle bracelet, among other things.

‘Good intentions thwarted’
So now he has to go back in the box. A major setback for P. and his lawyer. The counsel had hoped with a fervent plea that his client would be given a suspended prison sentence and community service at the most. “Returning to prison will thwart his good intentions and the process he is now in the process of cleaning up,” the lawyer said.

But the court could not ignore the seriousness of the facts. In June, July and August 2021, P. stole dozens of items and money from various places in Den Bosch, Empel and Rosmalen. The verdict was based on statements from witnesses and officers and CCTV footage.

Thirty garage boxes
In addition, P. is accused of not confessing everything. And the court is also not convinced that the man will never go on the burglar path again.

P. received help from other people in a number of burglaries. This was the case, among other things, with burglaries in thirty garage boxes on the Rietwaard in Empel, in August 2021. Images in the Bureau Brabant investigation program show how P. and three other suspects make their move for hours. They took off with, among other things, a scooter, a dirt bike and a quad. The other suspects are yet to be tried.

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