Problem: Ouderkerk Bridge above water, out of use for more than two months

The province of North Holland knows what is wrong with the bridge between Ouderkerk and Amstelveen, which has not been able to open and close since November 22. Due to an error in judgment, the rotating mechanism of the northern bridge appears to be broken. This will be repaired in the coming months, allowing ships to pass through again from March 24.

The new Ouderkerk Bridge was put into use in July last year. A defect was already discovered during repair work on November 21. That’s why the bridge was built closed on November 22 for all traffic. From November 23, light traffic was allowed drive over it slowly again. Ships still cannot pass.

Weak link

The cause of all the misery: a part that is not strong enough to handle the weight of the bridge. That part is a connection in the turning mechanism of the northern bridge. This ‘weak link’ caused damage to the rotating mechanism.

The contractor will repair and strengthen the bridge in the coming months. The repair work already started on January 8. The bridge can open again from March 24 to allow tall ships to pass through.

After the sailing season

Other repair work cannot yet be carried out during this period. According to the province, more preparation time is needed for this. “Because the Ouderkerk Bridge can be used properly and safely for the time being, this work will be scheduled after the 2024 sailing season,” the province said in a press release.
