Problem in half of Drenthe municipalities: traveling too far to debit card

Have to travel more than 5 kilometers to pay at an ATM. It occurs much more often in Drenthe than should actually be allowed according to the standard. In half of the Drenthe municipalities too large a part of the inhabitants live too far away from an ATM.

According to the national standard, a maximum of 0.24 percent of the population is allowed to live more than 5 kilometers from a vending machine as the crow flies. That is far from being achieved in Drenthe. In our province, a total of 7,223 people live more than 5 kilometers from an ATM, which is about 1.5 percent of the population.

This is apparent from data from Geldmaat, which were requested by Broadcasting Gelderland† Geldmaat is a collaboration between ABN AMRO, ING and Rabobank. Since 2019, the organization, known for the distinctive yellow ATMs of the same name, has gradually taken over the ATMs of these banks.

Only in the other two northern provinces is the accessibility of the Geldmaat even less good for each other. In Groningen, almost 1.7 percent of the inhabitants live more than 5 kilometers away from such a vending machine, in Friesland it is even almost 2.7 percent. Utrecht, South Holland, North Holland and North Brabant are the only provinces that are below the national standard. Gelderland and Limburg arrive exactly at the norm of 0.24 percent.

As far as municipalities are concerned, the accessibility of ATMs is the worst in Central Drenthe. No less than 10.4 percent of the people in that municipality live more than 5 kilometers from a Geldmaat. That is not only a low point for Drenthe, but even for the whole of the Netherlands. Because in no other municipality is the percentage higher.

In addition to Central Drenthe, Aa and Hunze (6.56), Westerveld (3.37) and Noordenveld (3.36) also remain far from the 0.24 percent standard in our province. Borger-Odoorn (0.57) and Coevorden (0.43) also come out higher.

The standard is met in Assen, Emmen, Hoogeveen and Meppel. In all these municipalities the percentage is even 0. In Drenthe, Tynaarlo (0.09) and De Wolden (0.23) also score a pass.
