Probing questions about the birthday party of a Berlin celebrity dentist

Is this dentist a little stubborn? At the weekend, celebrity dentist Dr. Stephan Ziegler (KU64) celebrated his 60th birthday in a Berlin club. It is unclear whether all rigorous corona rules were observed.

Ziegler has a chic practice on Kurfürstendamm, open seven days a week, 3,000 square meters, and over 100 employees.

On the night of Saturday, Ziegler celebrated his 60th birthday in the “Weekend” on Alexanderplatz, scene star Gloria Viagra at the DJ desk, exuberant atmosphere, sparkling wine. However, this cannot be seen on a longer video from the party that BZ has available is: masks.

Scene star Gloria Viagra stood at the party in
Scene star Gloria Viagra stood at the party in “Weekend” at the DJ desk (Photo: private)

“At the entrance, no one asked us for proof of vaccination or recovery,” said a party guest to the BZ “Everyone could just come in. There must have been almost 100 guests present.”

There is actually a limit of ten participants for private parties in Berlin. Up to 200 people can take part in public events in closed rooms – “with additional continuous FFP2 mask requirement”, according to the website of the Senate Chancellery. In addition, 2G-plus is mandatory …

Hug for the birthday child: the dentist hugs a friend (Photo: Private)
Hug for the birthday child: the dentist hugs a friend (Photo: Private)

Did the popular dentist (who regularly invites patients, employees and friends to parties) violate Corona rules?

From his practice it says: “KU64 owner Dr. Stephan Ziegler was surprised with a celebration for his birthday. Information about the organizer and the number of attendees is not available. dr Stephan Ziegler was not the organizer of this party.”

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In a second email to the BZ, the practice assures that a strict pandemic concept has been implemented.

The practice asserts: “A security company checked compliance with 2G-plus on site. The participants also wore FFP2 masks during the evening.”
