Pro-Russian Robert Fico aangeduid as premier of Slovakije | Buitenland

The Slovaakse president has the format of a new regering toevertrouwd to the populist and prime minister Robert Fico. Zijn partij Smer won afgelopen weekend de parliamentsverkiezingen in Slovakije.

“It is the basis of the state’s decision to respect the regional results. “The good bestowal of our large-scale settings can be seen,” said President Zuzana Caputova in a broadcast for the official ceremony on television.

High inflation

The 59-year-old Robert Fico was three times premier of Slovakia in 2006 and 2018. Zijn comeback heeft de ooit afgeserveerde politicus volgens analysts te dank aan de oorlog in Oekraïne. Hij speelde in op het pro-Russian sentiment bij a large part of the Slovaakse population and channeliseerde de Brede onvrede.

This is only the cause of high inflation. Pensioneerden and residents of Achtergestelde areas maken zich daarnaast also zorgen om hun levensonderhoud, de poor gezondheidszorg, de migratiekwestie and the poor aanpak of the coronacrisis.

Good wapenleveringen sea

For Fico’s social-democratic party, the word is never heard from. For the district, the former prime minister agreed to the waiver of the Oekraïne. Hij wants the country in the oorlog with Russia grandson and humanitaire goederen stubborn. All other parties in the parliament will have their own hands.

Slovakia, lid from EU and NAVO, is a country of Ukraine. The country is now considered one of the largest medal stands in Kiev.
