Prisoner sentenced to prison for hitting guard in Veenhuizen

A 34-year-old detainee has been sentenced to six weeks in prison for assaulting a guard in the prison in Veenhuizen. A year ago, the man in his thirties hit the prison guard so hard in the head that he suffered hearing damage.

The guard ordered the suspect to end a telephone conversation on the landline. He was talking to his lawyer, the man said. The jailer showed leniency by giving him five extra minutes. In the meantime, he took the fellow detainees to their cells.

After almost ten minutes he saw that the detainee was still talking on the phone. He ordered the call to end.

The thirtysomething reacted angrily. He cursed and made bad comments to the jailer. He didn’t change his mind and escorted the man to his cell. Along the way, the man lashed out out of nowhere and hit his companion in the head.

The employee woke up at the prison aid station. He had no idea what had happened to him. “I immediately had a loud ringing in my ear,” the victim told the judge.

“I haven’t been able to work for three weeks,” the victim continued. “I had to incur a lot of expenses and purchase a hearing aid. I can no longer concentrate properly due to tinnitus (annoying ringing in the ears). I have been doing this job for thirty years.”

The employee did not submit a claim for damages. He holds his employer liable for the incident.

The suspect was not heard from again. Last year, the court in Groningen sentenced him to two years in prison for attempted manslaughter.

The man has now been transferred to a prison other than Veenhuizen.
