Prison for Hoogevener who wanted to be shot dead by agents

A 32-year-old man from Hoogeveen has been sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for attempted manslaughter and assault and threat of four officers. One and a half years of this is conditional. The penalty is equal to the requirement of the Public Prosecution Service (OM).

The officers arrived at the man’s home on February 24, because he had smashed a window at his neighbor. De Hoogevener resisted fiercely and yelled at the officers to shoot him. He pulled a baton from the holder of an officer and hit him on the head with it. That could have been fatal, the judge said.

Other officers were kicked or bitten. In the end, the Hoogevener was taken to the police station. There he headbutted an officer. His behavior raised a lot of fear among officers who were simply trying to do their job, the judge said. “This event hindered their daily lives for a long time to come.”

De Hoogevener suffers from a personality disorder and is mentally handicapped. The disorder is exacerbated by cannabis and alcohol use. After his prison sentence, he must receive clinical treatment and then live under supervision. He must jointly pay the agents a damage amount of 1,350 euros.
