Prison does not deliver letters from Taghi and Mohammed B.

The EBI in Vught has not delivered several letters to and from Ridouan Taghi. According to the Public Prosecution Service, there is a ‘real possibility’ that the letters contain veiled messages. The extra-secure facility has therefore taken stricter measures against Taghi. This is reported by EenVandaag.

B. and Taghi sent each other letters containing Quranic verses, which may contain encrypted messages. Taghi is the alleged leader of the Mocromafia, Mohammed B. is the murderer of Theo van Gogh.

Earlier, Minister Franc Weerwind said during a debate with the House of Representatives that this cannot be prohibited in advance. According to the current law, certain contact may only be stopped after it has been found that letters contain inadmissible content.

The EBI director has apparently decided to intervene himself and refuse new letters, the crime reporter of . concludes One today. The director sees the letters as a safety risk to others.

Taghi is now not allowed to send a letter that he wanted to send to B. at the end of October. Justice suspects that he is trying to get obfuscated messages outside the EBI. This is apparent from a provisional ruling by the Council for Criminal Justice and Youth Protection (RSJ) about a complaint that Taghi has submitted.

Letters from B. and Gökmen T.
Two letters addressed to Taghi were also not delivered to him. The Council’s decision reads that the distribution of two postal items ‘from two life imprisonment prisoners’ has been refused.

According to the crime reporter of EenVandaag, sources confirm that those letters are from B. and Gökmen T., who is incarcerated for life for the tram attack in Utrecht in 2019.

The director would have informed Taghi that he can send new letters to the two detainees or receive them from them. For each letter, a new assessment is made by the EBI board.

ALSO READ: Taghi and Mohammed B. are allowed to write each other letters: ‘Prohibition impossible’
