PrinsjesdagProtest attracts a few thousand people to The Hague

An estimated few thousand people took part in the PrinsjesdagProtest in The Hague. The SP organized the action prior to Budget Day to argue for an emergency plan to reduce the increased costs that everyone has to deal with.

Among the speakers were SP leader Lilian Marijnissen, director Eddy Terstall, professor of financial geography Ewald Engelen and comedian Teun van der Elzen. The demonstrators gathered at the Koekamp and from there walked a route through the city. They wore SP flags, among other things, and walked behind a large banner with the text: ‘Now is enough!’ and carried signs with the words ‘Good pension, a matter of decency’ and ‘We want a reliable government’.

During the protest, a 125-metre-long ‘shopping list’ was also rolled out, containing messages from people from all over the country addressed to the cabinet.
