Princess Diana is remembered at Elizabeth’s festivities

Princess Diana’s famous Tiara will be on display in London in honor of the Queen’s anniversary.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles on their wedding day at Buckingham Palace in July 1981. Courtesy Everett Collection / All Over Press, Courtesy Everett Collection

The wedding prayer of the late Princess Diana will be on display in honor of the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II. The tiara will be featured in an exhibition in London featuring tiaras from other major royals from different eras.

The Tiara, which belonged to the late Diana, will represent the 1960s Royal Tiara style in the upcoming exhibition.

Princess Diana used that tiara at her wedding when she married Prince Charles in 1981. The famous Tiara is the legacy of a noble family.

The tiara will be on display to the public from the end of May at the Sotheby’s showroom in London. The queen is also on display in the exhibition Victorian and Joséphine Bonaparten tiaras.

Princess Diana’s Tiara is a representative of the traditional Garland style. Courtesy Everett Collection

The story of the tiara

The tiara is believed to be from the 1760s, and in the 1930s it was remodeled to its current style. Tiara’s Garland style includes a heart-shaped layout, complemented by shimmering stars and flowers.

Today, the tiara is owned by Prince Charles. The tiara was last seen by a nobleman Celia McCorquodalen at the wedding in 2018.

Source: Forbes
