Princess Anna wants more women in science: “We are too few”

AND she was chosen, Anna of England, who has always promoted the STEM disciplines (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics), to award the first prizes yesterday in Windsor Castle Covid Unsung Heroa new British honor intended for those women who, in the course of the fight against the pandemic of the last two years, have distinguished themselves in the technical and scientific fields.

Princess Anna rewards Covid women

Among the six British winners awarded by Anna of England include Dr. Amy Thomas of the University of Bristol, for her innovative saliva test for children; and Ming Tang, who created the Covid Data Storea health system that ensures the presence of medical personnel, medicines and essential furniture where they are needed.

Anne of England among students at an event at St James’s Palace, London, February 17, 2022 (Getty Images)

Anne of England against the gender gap in science

The second daughter of Elizabeth, 71 years old and for a long time patroness of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering, women in science and engineering), stressed the importance of celebrating women in STEM disciplines and the groundbreaking work they did in the months of lockdown. Highlighting how Covid has slowed the progress of women in fields that continue to remain male dominated.

Queen Elizabeth and the ailments of age:

Queen Elizabeth and the ailments of age:

Princess Anna: “Covid has made us slip back”

At the moment in Britain, only a quarter of the entire workforce within STEM disciplines is made up of women, but Anna hopes for a rapid increase. “The percentage is much lower than what we would have expected before Covid,” he explained the princess, who will go to Australia on an official visit next April.

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Princess Anna: “We need to do more”

“It is important to redouble our efforts,” urged Anna of England. «We need to increase the profile of women who continue to distinguish themselves in scientific and technological fields. Only in this way will we be able to ensure greater diversity and inclusion in the workforce of companies in all STEM sectors in the future ».

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