Princess Amalia would love to be a bag carrier for Queen Máxima once

The queen tells this in a conversation with RTL Boulevard

From pillar to post

Máxima has a rather busy schedule. She was previously on the Ivory Coast, now in Senegal and tomorrow she will be present at the gala dinner in honor of Princess Ingrid’s eighteenth birthday in Norway. Still, the Queen took some time to tell the press what she is currently doing in Africa. She is present in her role as United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

Wise lesson for daughters

Máxima says she tries to teach her own daughters that not all women have a bank account like her. “They are shocked by the fact that women don’t have cell phones or insurance. They live with enormous risks that we are not aware of here in the Netherlands. The fact that many girls can’t go to school because their mother can’t afford it is a shock.”

Amalia as a bag carrier

These kind of trips appear to have aroused the interest of Princess Amalia in particular. “Amalia has asked me to be the bag carrier with me once,” says Máxima. “I am really looking forward to that. She’ll come along one day, she’s already asked. We’ll see when the study allows.”

By the way, did you know that Princess Amalia is not the only Princess Amalia? In this video you will hear all about it.

Source: RTL Boulevard

June 16, 2022
