Prince William honors spice girl Mel B.

THEThe Prince and the Spice Girl: the odd couple you don’t expect to see. At least, not at an official event. Instead Melanie Brown, the famous Mel B of the Spice Girls, it was awarded at Buckingham Palace for its commitment against violence against women. And has received recognition from Prince William, as evidenced by the images shared on Instagram.

Mel B awarded by Prince William

The former lead singer of the band from the 90s, was awarded the MBE (The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), one of the most important honors in the United Kingdom.

It was Prince William himself who presented the prestigious award to the music star, which thus becomes a Member of the Order of the British Empire. And the motivation for the recognition is linked to his painful past.

An abusive relationship

In fact, Mel B suffered the consequences of an abusive love and a bad relationship. Relationship that she managed to end and of which she decided to speak publicly. Since 2018 she has been working alongside Women’s Aid to help all women victims of violence.

Dedicated to women victims of violence

“I never thought I’d be here to get this MBE for the job I’ve done,” said the singer, receiving the award. “It’s amazing to have it, but it’s not just for me, it’s for all those other women” he added. Dedicating the award to victims of domestic violence.

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Violence against women: the numbers and the effect of the pandemic

For all of us survivors

Mel B awarded by Prince William AP

The former spice girl dedicates the recognition to all women victims of violence (AP)

Due to Covid, cases of domestic violence have increased. There is an army of women behind me, women who need help and to be heard, “continued the singer. “I am their voice because we’ve all been through exactly the same story. So this is not my prize, it is our prize because we survived“.

