Prince William bumped into Paul Gascoigne – This is what the legend looks like now: “Is that really you?”

The Prince of Wales did not recognize the legend.

Paul Gascoigne and Prince William greet each other at an event in Bournemouth. PDO

Prince William visited an event in Bournemouth last week. In the summer, the Prince of Wales launched a project aimed at improving the situation of homeless people in Britain.

From Bournemouth, a video spread to X (formerly Twitter) in which the prince shook hands with the guests of the event. In the video, the man told William that an English football legend was standing in front of him Paul Gascoigne.

– Gazza! Is that really you? the startled prince asked.

– Yes. I came to see you, the football legend replied.

If you don’t see the video below, you can watch it from this link.

In the video, it was heard how the two exchanged messages.

The former English futsal star was leading his national team to the top four in the 1990 World Cup and 1996 European Championship. The feats of his club team career were experienced in the parent club Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur in the 80s and 90s.

Futisura ended in 2004.

Gascoigne’s life has not been all about dancing with roses. Even during his playing career, “Gazza’s” heavy alcohol consumption spoke volumes. After his career, alcoholism took over, and Gascoigne has been involved in several scandals in his later life.

Since then, Gascoigne has made a move. He has been in rehab and seems to have found the right direction.
