Prince Harry released a touching eulogy for Elizabeth

Prince Harry published his obituary in memory of his grandmother.

Prince Harry has also deeply mourned the passing of his grandmother. JASON SZENES

Prince Harry released an obituary dedicated to his recently deceased grandmother For Elizabeth. In his condolences, he uses the colloquial expression Granny (Finnish Grandma, grandma) and thanks the queen for all her advice and her infectious smile.

In her writing, she quotes Elizabeth, who said after the death of her husband, Prince Philip, that life includes both last and first encounters.

– Thanks, grandma. This last meeting brings us all great sadness. Still, I want to thank you for our first meetings—my first childhood memories, when you met my wife for the first time or hugged your grandchildren.

Harry continues how Elizabeth is deeply missed even outside the royal family around the world.

– And as for first meetings, we now have the honor of calling my father king.

Finally, Harry thanks his grandmother for all her support, as well as her service to the country.

– We smile, because we know you are with grandfather again. Peace to both of your souls.

Harry and William met in public after a long time.
