Prince Harry in lawsuit with the Mirror for wiretapping

gPrince Harry’s lawyers are engaged in a long lawsuit against mgn extensionthe publishers of the Mirrorsfamous British tabloidfor the information obtained for years through illegal telephone tapping. The rights of the Duke of Sussex were voiced at the London High Court, who immediately returned to California after a very brief visit for his father’s coronation.

Prince Harry makes surprise appearance in London for tabloid lawsuit

Harry illegally intercepted

Not new to the trials against the British tabloids (he has already sued the Mail on Sunday), Harry revealed he wasn’t the only victim of wiretapping within the royal family.

For years also Kate Middleton, now Princess of Wales, she has received suspicious calls on her mobiles (she often changes numbers to try to avoid danger). And Frances Shand Kidd, Lady Diana’s mother, was also ruthlessly persecuted by the eavesdroppers.

Hundreds of suspicious calls to the Royals and beyond

There are 313 “highly suspicious” calls listed by Harry in his statement, all made to his friends, family and associates between 2003 and 2011. But the ones that have clearly hurt him most of all concern his longtime ex-girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, between 2007 and 2009.

Harry at the coronation of his father King Charles III, Westminster, May 6, 2023 (Getty Images)

Prince Harry: “That’s exactly why Chelsy left me»

At the time of their relationship, Harry reveals, reporters and photographers used a variety of methods to track his ex Chelsy’s every move. And the suspicions would now be corroborated by irrefutable evidence. So much so that, again according to the prince, it would be precisely for this reason that Davy decided to leave him: with all her intrusions, the Royal life was not for her.

Young Harry shocked by eavesdropping

The serious suspicions over the wiretaps, the Duke of Sussex’s lawyers say, «they caused serious inconvenience to the prince, who was very young at the time. He no longer trusted anyonesuspected everyone implicated in the published stories about him and feared for his safety and that of Davy».

Kate Middleton, on the right with Harry and Meghan Markle, would also be among the victims of wiretapping, June 2018 (Getty Images)

The (useless) escape of Harry and Chelsy in Mozambique

Harry mentions an episode in which, in an attempt to carve out some privacy, the couple took refuge in a hotel in Bazaruto, a small island in Mozambique, after secretly booking a room, without even telling their family members. But the paparazzi were already there when they arrived.

Prince Harry will be in court

The trial in the High Court is set to last several weeks. Prince Harry himself will return to London in June to testify personally. And he will be the first senior member of the Royal Family to appear in a British court.

Read the book by iO Donna, Princesses you become! From Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle

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