Prince Harry breaks his silence on his legal victory

Prince Harry recently won a lawsuit against the Mirror news website.

With the court’s decision, Prince Harry will receive approximately 163,800 euros in compensation. PDO

Prince Harry39, commented on his victorious trial.

On December 15, a British court found that the Mirror Group tabloid company hacked him extensively between 2006 and 2011. The court awarded Harry compensation of 140,600 pounds, i.e. around 163,800 euros.

Now Harry is speaking for the first time about his feelings about the court’s decision ET Online -in leaf.

– The decision is fair and affirming. I’ve been told that slaying dragons gets you burned, but in light of this victory, I can say it was worth it, the prince says in his statement.

However, for the Royal Court, the trial was not only about Mirror Group’s hacking methods.

– It was about the systematic practice of illegal and creepy behavior, which resulted in the destruction of evidence and cheating. These actions and their extent could only be revealed in this procedure, Harry reflects.

– The road to justice can be slow and painful. Ever since I filed my lawsuit almost five years ago, I and my family have been told defamatory stories and intimidation tactics have been used against us. So I’ve learned through this process that patience really is a trump card, he adds.

According to the court, Mirror Group has used illegal information acquisition, such as phone hacking and private detectives, for its articles.

A total of 33 newspaper articles were discussed in court. The judge considered that illegal information acquisition had been used in about half of them.

People-magazine, Prince Harry currently has three more lawsuits against British newspaper publishers.

What is it about?

According to the lawsuit filed by Prince Harry, between 1996 and 2010, about 140 articles were published in connection with him, in which he was guilty of illegal information acquisition by eavesdropping on phone lines and answering machines.

The articles allegedly brought out matters related to the prince’s private life, such as romances and violent headlines about the prince’s alleged drug use. The Mirror magazine previously admitted that it had used private detectives to dig into Prince Harry’s private life.

Mirror Group representative Andrew Green denied allegations of illegal information acquisition. Green has said that the published information came from various sources of the royal family.

Prince Harry was already seen in court earlier this year when he participated in the trials in London accusing Associated Newspapers, which publishes the Daily Mail, in March.
