Prince George, 10, may be breaking a long tradition

The possible future king of Britain can leave the army without going if he feels like it.

Prince George is allowed to make decisions about his future more freely than his predecessors. PDO

Prince George may break with tradition in the future. He could become the first British monarch not to do military service.

This is quite unusual for a royal family. George’s father, uncle, grandfather, great-grandmother and great-grandfather have all served in the military.

– The Brittish Court has a long tradition of its members serving in the army or at least serving part of it. This is considered to strengthen the legitimacy of the monarchy, historian Dominic Sandbrook says.

The performance of the military has been important to the extent that the reigning monarch is the Commander-in-Chief of the British Defense Forces.

Both George’s father and uncle have also served in the military.

Prince William flew a rescue helicopter, but he never actually went to the battlefield. Prince Harry, on the other hand, served in the British Army for ten years and fought in Afghanistan in 2007-2008 and 2012-2013.

As strange as it sounds, serving in the army also gives royals the opportunity to live a “normal” life. There, nobody’s civilian professions or backgrounds matter.

– The army also teaches both organizational and performance skills, which royals need, the historian Hugo Vickers says.

However, William and Princess Catherine want to raise their three children in a modern way and give them the opportunity to decide their own path – whether they become rulers or not.

– In the future, George will be able to make decisions more freely than his predecessor. Nothing prevents him from becoming an astronaut before he becomes king, says a long-time friend of George’s father.

Maybe George would like to be an astronaut. He is also known to be artistically talented, so why not find professional dreams in that field as well.

George turned ten years old on Sunday.

George, who is currently second in line to the crown, still has time to do whatever before his turn as ruler. George’s grandfather, 74, was just crowned king, after him William, 41, takes power.

In the video, Prince George and Princess Charlotte arriving at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.

Source: Dailymail
