Prince Daniel has a serious illness – This is how it shows in everyday life

Prince Daniel underwent a kidney transplant 14 years ago.

Prince Daniel will turn 50 in two weeks. PDO

Prince Daniel has a congenital kidney disease. Kidney function deteriorated over the years. The kidneys became so bad that he underwent an organ transplant in 2009.

Daniel’s own father was found as the donor Olle Westlingand the operation itself was successful.

Daniel says in an interview with SVT that he has never been in danger of death due to his illness.

– If there was no dialysis treatment, the situation would be different. I was lucky to have a functioning kidney from my father. I am really grateful for this, Daniel, who is turning 50 says in an interview with SVT, which Expressen cites.

Daniel says that he felt “really bad” for a while after the operation, but he soon got better.

Daniel no longer pays almost any attention to the kidneys.

– I just take the medicine every day so that the kidneys work, Daniel describes.

Prince Daniel turns 50 on September 15. The day is a big holiday in Sweden, because on September 15 it will also be 50 years since Kaarle Kustaa became king of Sweden.
