Prime Minister Rutte visits Namibia, South Africa and Morocco | News item

News item | 12-06-2023 | 16:29

Prime Minister Rutte will visit Namibia, South Africa and Morocco from Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 June. In Namibia and South Africa he is accompanied by Prime Minister Frederiksen of Denmark. The journey is largely devoted to cooperation in the field of energy transition and renewable hydrogen. VNO-NCW, TNO and a few companies are traveling along.

The visit will start in Namibia on Monday 19 June. Prime Minister Rutte and Prime Minister Frederiksen are received in Windhoek by President Geingob. During the meeting they will discuss multilateral cooperation, international developments, climate and energy, including Namibia’s ambition for the production, use and export of green hydrogen.

Prime Minister Rutte and Prime Minister Frederiksen will also take part in a meeting with companies and knowledge institutes about green hydrogen and the energy transition and will talk to Namibian young people about their vision of the developments, opportunities and challenges in their country and the cooperation between Europe and Africa.

On Tuesday 20 June, Prime Minister Rutte and Prime Minister Frederiksen will be in South Africa. In Pretoria they are received by President Ramaphosa. The meeting focuses on, among other things, the continuation of good bilateral relations with both countries and they discuss the inclusive and green energy transition in South Africa, the so-called just energy transition. International developments, multilateral cooperation and the promotion of trade and investment between countries are also discussed.

The heads of government will also participate in a meeting with South African, Dutch and Danish companies and institutions that are active in the field of green hydrogen and the energy transition. At the University of Pretoria, Prime Minister Rutte and Prime Minister Frederiksen will talk to students about the principles of the recently published Dutch Africa strategy, international developments, youth participation and cooperation between Europe and Africa. In the evening, Prime Minister Rutte will attend a working dinner with representatives of international organizations and governments that play an important role in just energy transition to be achieved in South Africa.

The journey will conclude in Morocco on Wednesday 21 June. Prime Minister Rutte is received in Rabat by government leader Akhannouch. They discuss, among other things, strengthening economic ties between the two countries and important issues such as migration, multilateral cooperation and security in the region.

During a meeting with companies, cooperation in the field of green hydrogen is central. A number of agreements will also be signed on cooperation in the context of the Moroccan energy transition. At knowledge institute NIMAR, the Prime Minister will talk to students about Morocco’s role in the region and cooperation with Europe. The visit will conclude with a meeting with Dutch and Moroccan companies and dignitaries from both countries to further strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries.

The visit coincides with the recent publication of the government’s new Africa strategy, which states that ties with countries on the African continent are being strengthened and new partnerships are being developed. The visit also ties in with the cabinet letter recently sent to the House of Representatives about the use of energy diplomacy for the future import of hydrogen.
