Prime Minister Rutte at commemoration of the National Indies Monument 1945-1962 | News item

News item | 30-08-2022 | 11:30

Prime Minister Rutte will be present in Roermond on Saturday 3 September 2022 at the memorial meeting at the National Indies Monument 1945-1962. During this annual meeting, the Dutch soldiers who died in the period 1945-1962 during the battle in the former Dutch East Indies and New Guinea are commemorated.

It also commemorates all other Dutch soldiers who died during later international missions. This takes place at the Monument to Peace Operations.

The Prime Minister gives a speech and lays a wreath at the Connecting Monument on behalf of the Council of Ministers. This memorial connects the National Indies Memorial 1945-1962 on one side and the Monument for Peace Operations on the other side of the Roermond National Memorial Park.
