Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia wants a conference of Prime Ministers on the relief package

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – After the traffic light coalition agreed on a third relief package, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst called for federal and state consultations on the subject. “If the states are to pay, they must also be able to make decisions,” said the CDU politician to the newspapers of the Bayern media group (Monday). There are still many open questions. “This should be discussed very promptly at a Prime Minister’s conference with the Federal Chancellor.” Wüst is currently chairman of the Prime Ministers’ Conference.

The traffic light coalition presented a third relief package on Sunday, the size of which the government estimates at around 65 billion euros. The result paper of the coalition committee states: “The federal, state and local governments jointly bear the burden on citizens and companies.” Among other things, the traffic light is striving for a nationwide successor to the 9-euro ticket in local transport, in the price range of 49 to 69 euros per month. The federal government wants to inject 1.5 billion euros if the states pay at least as much./csd/DP/mis
