Prime Minister De Croo present at the 1 May parade in Blankenberge

Prime Minister De Croo present at the 1 May parade in Blankenberge

“It is our choice whether we let ourselves be held hostage again by the logic of splitting and tearing everything down,” he said. “We no longer have the time in our country for those kinds of discussions,” was his account.

De Croo made a plea for respect for working people on Sunday evening at the May 1 celebration of Open VLD Blankenberge: “they are the backbone of our economy. If we want our country to emerge stronger and more prosperous from the crises of recent years, then it will be because of their effort.”

According to the prime minister, the inequality between the employed and the unemployed is “the real inequality in our country”. “There are people in our country who go to work and have less left over than people who don’t go to work,” says De Croo. According to the prime minister, that is also what should be focused on after the elections: “We have to tackle that and for me that is the focus of the tax reform, where we must take steps in the coming months and on which we must continue to work in the coming years.” . By examining the tangle of benefits, social reductions and allowances, in all forms and at all levels.”

No community reform

A community reform seems less important to De Croo: “It is our choice whether our country will get stuck again next year and whether we will again let ourselves be held hostage by the logic of splitting and tearing everything down,” he says. “We no longer have the time for that kind of discussion in our country. We have already lost too much energy with it. The next government just has to get to work, build up instead of tear down. That is the fundamental choice the next years,” the Prime Minister concluded.
