Prime Minister De Croo: “Belgium supplies 2,000 machine guns and 3,800 tons of fuel to Ukraine”, also 300 Belgian soldiers to Romania | War Ukraine and Russia

Our country is going to supply 2,000 machine guns and 3,800 tons of fuel to Ukraine. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) reports this on Twitter. With this, Belgium is responding to a question from Ukraine itself. Our country will also send 300 soldiers to Romania next week as part of a Franco-Belgian battalion, Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder (PS) said. A convoy of Defense military protection and orientation material has meanwhile departed for Ukraine.

“We were asked by Ukraine to supply 3,800 tons of fuel to supply their troops,” HLN learned from Prime Minister De Croo’s cabinet. “It is fuel that is available from our strategic reserves that we must keep in stock. And our reserves are also higher than what is internationally required.”

machine guns

In addition, 2,000 machine guns will also be delivered. The Ministry of Defense announced on Thursday that there was too little material available to share.

“We have asked them to reconsider their active resources,” said the De Croo cabinet. “They indicated in the past that they were impossible to touch, but after our explicit question they looked at what was possible. This concerns 2,000 hand machine guns of Belgian manufacture.”

The fuel and weapons will now be delivered to the Ukrainian army. “We also do this in coordination with other European countries, such as the Netherlands, to carry out joint transport.

Belgian soldiers

Our country will also send 300 soldiers to Romania next week as part of a Franco-Belgian battalion. That says Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder (PS) on Twitter. The Belgian soldiers “will carry out a protection and dissuasion mission”, it sounds.

Protective equipment

A Belgian convoy with military protection and orientation material has meanwhile left for Ukraine, spokesman for Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder (PS) said earlier in the day. Prime Minister De Croo already said on Wednesday evening after a Security Council that our country responded to the Ukrainian request to send military protective equipment. It concerns helmets and other types of protection.

According to Dedonder’s spokesperson, the composition of the material was done in consultation with the EU and NATO partners. There is coordination, so that everyone does not just send something to Ukraine, it sounds like.

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