Primary school raises ‘insane amount’ of 50,000 euros for Ukraine

Almost 50,000 euros: that is the considerable amount that a primary school in Eindhoven collected with a sponsored walk for help to Ukraine. ‘An insane amount’, writes the school ‘t Slingertouw itself on its website. The money goes to giro 555.

All classes were at the unveiling of the amount. “There was a lot of cheering and some amazement at the insane amount that was raised,” the school says.

The children had to run a lot and were sponsored by family, friends and acquaintances. Father Martijn Smulders is enthusiastic about the end result. “I was suprised!”

His daughter Sanne (11) from group 7 raised 40 euros. “A course had been set out in the park in Meerhoven. She did a few rounds there. She liked doing it. In groups 7 and 8 they do understand what is going on in the world. They understand that this is not gym class.”

There are a total of 940 children at the two locations of the school. “If each child raises around fifty euros, you will get that amount,” says father Martijn.

The school says they are proud. “We are so happy that as citizens of the world we have been able to do our bit for the victims of the war in Ukraine.”
