Primary school in shock after traffic drama Oud Gastel: ‘Emotions run high’

The two young children who died Friday evening in the accident in Oud Gastel were at primary school ‘t Bossche Hart in Bosschenhoofd. Teachers from that school will meet on Saturday to process the news.

“Bosschenhoofd is a close-knit and small community. This news has hit hard,” says Lex Polman of the Borgesius Foundation. Primary school ‘t Bossche Hart falls under this foundation. “Emotions are running high, also among the teachers. They are here to share the sorrow.”

According to Polman, the two children would start at another primary school in Roosendaal next Monday. He could not yet indicate how ‘t Bossche Hart will start the new school year on Monday. The school first wants to discuss this with the next of kin.

Mayor Bernd Roks of the municipality of Halderberge, which Bosschenhoofd falls under, was at the school on Saturday morning to show his support.

The traffic drama took place on Friday evening around half past six at the intersection of Roosendaalsebaan and Blauwhekken. Two young children and two adult women were killed in the accident. A third child was injured.

All five victims were in the same car. It concerns two families from Bosschenhoofd. A mother (39), son (8) and daughter (10) come from one family. The injured child (9) is the daughter of the other deceased woman (42).
