Primary care vision 2030 adopted by field parties | News item

News item | 08-02-2024 | 11:40

‘Keep primary care accessible to the people who need it and contribute to equal opportunities for good health for everyone.’ That is the goal of the primary care 2030 vision that was adopted on January 29. The vision has been drawn up for and by parties in the field. With the vision, the primary care field parties jointly take responsibility for guaranteeing accessibility and continuity. Through strong collaboration, the organization of primary care is renewed and strengthened. In 2030, primary care will also be based on the principles of appropriate care, where available capacity and resources are used in the best way.

What does the vision change specifically?

  1. We reduce the unwanted pressure on primary care.
  2. Patients are better prepared for and guided to primary care.
  3. We offer appropriate primary care with a focus on health and quality of life, where added value is digitally supported.
  4. We make better use of the capacity within primary care and organize tasks differently where necessary.
  5. We achieve close cooperation between professionals in neighborhoods/villages, so that we can proactively respond to health problems and bottlenecks in the neighborhood.
  6. a. We ensure good accessibility of primary care in the region.

b. We improve cooperation with the social domain, secondary and tertiary care, and long-term care.

c. We are creating a 24/7 infrastructure for primary care for crisis situations.

Now that the vision has been established, implementation begins.

The vision was created with contributions from the Patient Federation, National Association of General Practitioners, Dutch General Practitioners Association, InEen, Healthcare Insurers Netherlands, ActiZ, Nurses & Caregivers Netherlands, ZorgthuisNL, Pharmacists’ Organization KNMP, Royal Dutch Society of Physiotherapy, Paramedical Platform Netherlands, Verenso, NVAVG, VNG (Association of Dutch Municipalities), SWN, Dutch Healthcare Authority, Dutch Healthcare Institute, ZonMw, Federation of Medical Specialists, Dutch GGZ, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers, Dutch Association of Hospitals, Independent Clinics of the Netherlands and VWS.
