Preview FC Barcelona – Atlético

12/03/2023 at 08:42


More motivated than ever, the Portuguese will seek to remove several thorns at once against Atlético

The Portuguese is still hurt by what he experienced with Simeone; not because of a matter of ego, but because of how bad it was

Joao Félix knows what his turn is. Nonconformist and winner, the Portuguese is not one of those who hides when things go wrong. On the contrary. The ’14’ is one of those who goes for happiness if happiness does not come to him. That’s why he had no qualms about leaving on loan to Chelsea last year or committing to Barça this summer without having any guarantees. Simeone gave him a very bad time to Joao and the Portuguese wants to use those negative feelings to demonstrate that he has plenty of potential to shine on important dates.

Aware of the complexity of the operation, Félix goes with lead feet when talking about your situation. “I’m happy at Barça. If I stay, great. We’ll see in the future”he assured this Friday to ‘Movistar’. Where he will surely not return is to Atlético de Madrid. This is a closed stage. There is no way back. They say that what starts badly, ends badly. And, to a certain extent, his arrival to the red and white team already started with doubts, since in his closest circle there were already those who were not clear about his signing for Atlético due to Simeone’s type of game.

Joao is very clear about what he wants. And what you need to get it. The magic of the attacker emerges when he lives near the rival area. Hence, at Barça he feels more comfortable than on Simeone’s board, which is more designed to retreat by giving up meters. But that does not mean that the former Benfica player has made self-criticism. Felix assumes it’s time to talk about the grass. If he doesn’t perform, ‘Cholo’ will have been right. There are no excuses.

Great response to Xavi’s ‘warning’

A great starter since his arrival – he was only a substitute against Rayo -, The playmaker has entered the Barça dressing room with a low profile. He’s not one to shout; does not lead the way. He leaves the stripes for others. At least, as long as he hasn’t proven that he deserves the ‘crack’ label. Félix, a calm guy, understood from his first conversation with Xavi that he had to put on his work overalls. The coach told him that pressing without the ball was necessary and this one has responded. The coaching staff is very surprised with the Portuguese’s work when it comes to trying to steal.

The figure of Joao Félix fits perfectly into the left vertex of Xavi’s square. Now, in addition, the left wing has a total Portuguese accent. The Egarense has relocated Cancelo and gives both freedom to exchange spaces. When Félix goes inside, Cancelo appears on the outside. And vice versa. The two Joaos have great chemistry and the experiment worked against Porto.

Joao Félix celebrates his goal against Porto


“The fault is not just one, it is several”

In the last days, Saúl and Griezmann have sent him several ‘darts’, but the Portuguese considers that The fault that he did not shine at Atlético “is not just one, it is several”. Joao has nothing against Atlético, but His present is Barcelona and it is in Barcelona where he tries to recover his smile. If he scores, he will celebrate. But not to take revenge on anyone, but because it will surely mean something important in a key match. He ignores what Griezmann and company say: “I don’t agree, he has his opinion and I’m not going to comment on it,” Joao said about the Frenchman’s words. “There are things I could have done better, both me and everyone. There are things that have not gone well but it is not just the fault of one, but of several,” he adds.

After a few first weeks staying at the Hotel Princesa Sofía, Joao is now settled in Castelldefelswhere he lives with his mother and one of his best friends. His father Carlos He travels to Barcelona when he can, but has remained living in Lisbon to be close to Hugobrother of Joao who plays in the reserve team Benfica. Besides, Ruihis personal coach, is very aware of all the care the Barça player needs to be at his best.

Joao Félix and Griezmann coincided at Atlético de Madrid


Barça, video games and golf, in this order

Despite being only 24 years old, the attacker has a lot of personality. In his family there were those who saw it as crazy to sign for Barça while having to accept such an important financial sacrifice. Far from thinking about money, Joao resisted Arabia’s temptation and said ‘yes’ at any price with the aim of enjoying football again. He landed receiving 400,000 eurosalthough with the promise kept to improve conditions when possible.

Integrated in Barcelona, ​​the young player leads a quiet life. There are several times that has dropped by the Palau Blaugrana watching the basketball or hockey teams. That, a lot of television and a few days of golf. Little more. Joao knows that between now and May he must get grades and there is nothing to distract him. The Portuguese is clear that This Sunday all eyes will be focused on him and he hopes to be decisive. It is the only way to give the club reasons to make an effort for him in June. The agreed purchase option is 80 million but the player already knows that this amount is unaffordable for the entity.
