Press: US regulator FTC takes on text robot ChatGPT

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – According to media reports, the American consumer protection authority FTC is targeting the chatbot ChatGPT. The Washington Post and the New York Times wrote on Thursday that she had sent the developer company OpenAI a detailed catalog of questions about dangers for consumers. The FTC focuses on the handling of user data and cases in which ChatGPT gives false information about people.

ChatGPT has been causing a stir since the end of last year because the chatbot can communicate at human language level. The software was trained for this with a huge amount of data. She forms sentences by estimating word for word how a sentence could go on. A disadvantage of the principle is that the program has no understanding of the content: That is why it can also output information that is completely wrong with conviction.

In the past few months, several cases have come to light in which ChatGPT has made up untruths about people that could damage their reputation. The software claimed that there were allegations of sexual harassment against a law professor and referred to an alleged report in the Washington Post as evidence. But there were neither the allegations nor an article about them, as the newspaper reported back in April. According to media reports, the software falsely claimed that a mayor from Australia had been sentenced to prison.

The story of a US attorney who, according to his own statements, relied on information from ChatGPT to argue in a court case went through the media. Several alleged judgments cited by him turned out to be fictitious.

As for data security, there was an incident in March where some ChatGPT users were able to see other people’s chat history. The number of people affected was “extremely low”, OpenAI wrote in a blog entry.

Among other things, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) wanted documents on this incident from the company, the Washington Post wrote on Thursday. She also asked OpenAI’s findings on how aware users are that ChatGPT can give them false information. She also wants to learn more about precautions that OpenAI takes before new versions of the software are made publicly available./so/DP/jha
