Press review: ‘Rheinpfalz’ on election participation

LUDWIGSHAFEN (dpa-AFX) – “Rheinpfalz” on the turnout:

“In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, millions of citizens gave up their voting rights. Over 44 percent of the 13 million eligible voters preferred not to vote on Sunday. (…) The thesis that something must be up for election may be applicable here. in order to vote. In other words, the top candidates from the CDU and SPD were not very convincing and promoted a certain degree of indifference among many eligible voters. (…) How politicians can succeed in addressing people is explained by Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck ( Green). He has mastered the art of naming weaknesses in his politics or doubts about his own decisions without appearing powerless or driven. (…) The voters appreciate the struggle to find a solution. It might be possible to convey politics in this way also mobilize people to vote.”/ra/DP/stw
