Press photographer spots fire in Berlin, Twitter is short of superlatives for Cevar and Shannon and soon we will all be drinking cider | daily overview Tuesday 24 May

Was child killer Michel Stokx from Assen worse than Marc Dutroux? How happy is Cevar from Buying without Looking really with his turf? And why did press photographer Dennis Venema from Sappemeer have 75 firefighters turn out in Berlin? Here’s today’s news that you (possibly) missed.

Cevar Gras ecstatic about the new garden, but…

There could still be some grass. Otherwise the Groninger still had not mowing enough around the Buy without Looking house. Monday evening saw the whole of the Netherlands how the lovely couple responded gratefully and enthusiastically at the house in Noordhorn.

They knew that. because social media really exploded after the episode (in a positive sense).

‘Snowman’ Michel Stokx from Assen is perhaps the largest monster in Europe

He abused and possibly killed 65 children across Europe. Yet few people know his name. That might change through the three-part documentary The Snowman

The latest news from Drenthe can be read here. Farmer is looking for Woman is of course over, but occasionally are there any sounds coming from the farm from Evert.

A new, hip, sustainable apple juice with bubbles (and alcohol)

Cider is popular in England, Ireland and France. Hardly any in the Netherlands, but that is slowly changing. Organic farmers Piet and Angela from Loppersum are purveyor of apples for a new sparkling wine which is made in the Biotope in Haren.

More news from Groningen can be found here † Read about it emotional speech by René and Jan Willem from Stadskanaal, who fervently hope that daytime activities will not disappear.

A-brands have become a lot more expensive

Ten percent more expensive, to be exact. But not only branded products are more expensive, average products such as butter and cucumbers have also risen sharply in price. Want to know exactly what that is? You read it here. And Click here for an overview of what we spend tens of euros more on.

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Editor’s recommendation

When it comes to fires, press photographer Dennis Venema from Sappemeer has already experienced a lot. But what he saw on Monday evening, during a holiday in Berlin, he calls the most bizarre thing he’s ever experienced † Right before his eyes, from his hotel room, he saw a house fire starting on the 10th floor of an apartment building opposite. “Those flames, it went so fast.”

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