Press conference: almost all measures will disappear on 25 February

Minister Ernst Kuipers will only speak in the press conference on Tuesday evening. Mark Rutte must be present in the Senate and therefore cannot speak to the press. Rutte indicated in an interview last week that his absence is actually a good thing, because we are entering a new phase of the pandemic and he has already felt that it is a bit difficult to hold such a press conference every two weeks with the two of us. to do.

Measures are lifted

And a new phase it is. It is almost certain that Tuesday evening it will be announced that most measures will be lifted as of 25 February. We are going back to basics: the advice not to shake hands, to wash hands often, to ventilate well and to test in case of complaints remain, but the rest of the measures will then be cancelled.

Hospitality and culture

This means that it is no longer necessary to keep a distance of one and a half meters, mouth caps no longer have to be worn and the home work advice also expires. There is also very good news for the catering and cultural sector. From February 18, the opening time will change to 01:00 am and a week later that will also expire and the regular closing times will apply.


The corona ticket will also disappear and will only return in a situation in which it will really have added value. The decision goes against the advice of the OMT. They recommended that the 3G policy be maintained for a while, but there was no longer enough support for this in the House of Representatives. The QR code may still be required to travel abroad.

From February 25 (the day Carnival starts) it will seem like old times for the catering industry, but that is not entirely true. 1G will apply to festivals and major events. So people only get access to these events with a negative PCR test (i.e. no home test).

Mandatory isolation

One last change is for the mandatory insulation. The OMT now advises to shorten the mandatory isolation after an infection from seven to five days, provided you are free of complaints for 24 hours.



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