Press comment: ‘Young World’ on US arms deliveries to Taiwan

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – “Young World” on US arms deliveries to Taiwan:

“The willingness of the United States to take the risk of open war is increasing. According to a US media report, the Biden government is planning further arms deliveries to Taiwan – for a whopping 1.1 billion US dollars Taiwan, should the US provocations lead to the big crash, shoot down fighter jets and warships of the People’s Republic. In addition, Washington has been urging Taipei for some time to stock up on war equipment, such as the Ukraine received shortly before and shortly after the Russian attack – Weapons with which to defend yourself against an invading enemy at home, so that should one US provocation soon prove to be one too many, China will wear itself out after an eventual invasion of Taiwan like Russia in Ukraine.”/yyzz /DP/nas
