Press comment: ‘Berliner Morgenpost’ on the concentration camp trial

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The “Berliner Morgenpost” on the concentration camp trial:

“The judgment of the Neuruppin district court is clear – and more than a signal: five years in prison for a 101-year-old man who, according to the court, worked as a guard in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The judges came to the conclusion that the The documents submitted to the public prosecutor are sufficient for a conviction as an accessory to murder. It is good that this trial took place despite the age of the accused, despite his poor physical condition. The crimes of the National Socialists were crimes against humanity. And it was not individual camp commanders who but a whole inhumane system, which was also maintained by security guards. The fact that there is now – 77 years after the end of the war – a sentence against a concentration camp guard shows that the rule of law works.”/zz/DP/men
