President Vucic is overwinning in Servische parlementsverkiezingen op | Buitenland

“We will have an absolute majority in the parliament with 127 notes”, at the same time in person. Hij baseerde zich daarbij op 76 percent of the getelde lift. The official results have been monitored pas maandagavond.

The partij van Vucic, SNS, zal naar verwachting de parlementsverkiezingen in Servië win. Peilingsinstituten Cesid and Ipsos say that they will tell you 65 percent of the weight.

Critics accuse Vucic of being an authoritarian regulator. Volgens de opposition will de verkiezingen zondag bovendien overschaduwd door talloze schendingen en fraude.

The sales committee is responsible for the planning of the planned delivery.
