President of Kazakhstan ordered to open fire without warning – RBK

“In Almaty alone, 20 thousand bandits attacked. Their actions showed the presence of a clear plan of attacks on military, administrative and social facilities in almost all areas, well-coordinated coordination of actions, high combat readiness and bestial cruelty. In addition to the militants, there were specialists trained in ideological sabotage, skillfully using disinformation, fakes, and capable of manipulating people’s moods, ”Tokayev said.

According to him, the CSTO peacekeepers who have arrived in the country will help the authorities of Kazakhstan to cope with the crisis, and they will perform the functions of “cover and support.” Tokayev thanked the leaders of the CSTO member countries for the promptness with the provision of assistance through the CSTO, especially highlighting Russian President Vladimir Putin, who “comradely, warmly reacted” to the request for help.

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Tokayev especially pointed to the “complicity and instigating role”, which, according to him, is played by “the so-called free media and foreign figures far from the fundamental interests” of the people of Kazakhstan.

“It can be said without exaggeration that all these irresponsible demagogues became accomplices in unleashing the tragedy in Kazakhstan,” the president said, expressing confidence that the “black streak” in the history of Kazakhstan will soon be passed.

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