Presentation Ossehaar phase C: more houses and higher share of owner-occupied homes

The number of homes in the Ossehaar phase C new-build plan has increased slightly. Initially, the municipality of Coevorden assumed seventy to ninety houses, now there are 100. The ratio between owner-occupied and rental properties has also been adjusted. No longer 50 percent of each, but 62 percent owner-occupied homes at 38 percent rent. The possibility of flexible housing is not excluded.

In a nutshell, these are the main outcomes of the presentation of the building plan for the final phase of the Coevorder district. Local residents and other interested parties could attend a presentation in a room in the De Nieuwe Veste school.

Last year, the municipality of Coevorden launched the plan for eighty homes, half of which are intended for sale and the other for rent and flexible living. In the latter case, it concerns homes for urgent seekers. Think of starters, migrant workers, status holders or divorced persons. During information meetings and a council committee, a group of local residents spoke out against social housing and flexible housing. There is a fear that the intended target group would disturb the peace in the neighborhood, according to the local residents, who have partly gathered in a committee.

In January, the municipality presented three models with seventy, eighty and ninety homes. Elements from each have been taken over in a completely new design, with the number eventually reaching one hundred. The new neighborhood retains the current pond as a central point and is provided with lots of greenery.

The bicycle is leading for the accessibility and the car is the guest, explains Janneke Schurer of the consultancy firm BügelHajema. The housing supply is varied with various housing types such as courtyard houses, terraced houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses. The 38 rental homes are divided into blocks across the site and are being built by Domesta.

Representatives of the aforementioned committee were also present. They prefer not to have their name mentioned. They say they are surprised that the number of homes has increased. They are also not impressed by the adjusted ratio between purchase and rent. “We had previously assumed sixty to eighty homes, about a third of which were rented.”

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