Prepare the return of the lynx to Catalonia

With the support of entities such as the Barcelona Zoo and resources from the central government, an environmental foundation has already carried out preliminary work to prepare the return of the Iberian lynx to Catalonia and Aragon. The strategy of the program to save this animal is to reinforce its current populations, connect them with each other and, in a next step, create new population centers. In Portugal, Extremadura, Eastern Andalusia and Murcia in the first instance: existing projects in Castilla y León, Valencia, Catalonia and Aragón should still wait.

However, you need to start working on it. The Catalan-Aragonese project has identified the ideal places and has begun one of the necessary tasks to make it possible: to raise awareness to achieve the commitment of the territory and avoid signs of rejection such as those that have occurred before the strategy of introducing the bear in new territories of the Pyrenees. In this case it should not be so difficult (the hypothetical damage to livestock does not exist and the benefits, such as the control of the overpopulation of rabbits, are easily arguable) but the task will not be easy nor can it be immediate.

Let’s not forget that one of the conditions of any reintroduction program is to eliminate the reasons that led to the local disappearance of a species: so there is a lot of work to do (avoid hunting or the population of its almost unique prey being obstacles, and that the road network is not a danger) to make the lynx return.
