Prepare for winter weather next week: ’80 percent chance of snow’

The (meteorological) spring has officially started, but you hardly notice it outside. That will be no different next week. Winter weather is coming, our weatherman Jan Visser knows. And winter weather also includes a pack of snow.

The flakes can fall from the sky tomorrow morning, but it can sometimes snow heavily, especially on Tuesday, says weatherman Jan Visser. “Then there is a 70 to 80 percent chance.”

This applies to most of North Holland. But the further from the coast, the better the chance, Jan explains. “So especially in ‘t Gooi it can become a white world.”

Sun-drenched days

During the day it will be around five and six degrees. At night the temperature can drop below freezing. Not only will this create snow, but it can also become very slippery. “So watch out,” said Jan.

How much snow will fall is still a guess. The temperature will rise slightly again during the week, but don’t count on sunny days.
