Prensa Ibérica and Endesa Music Lover deliver more than 40,000 euros for palmeros who continue to suffer from the volcano

10/26/2022 at 06:58


The initiative ‘El Gran Reto Solidario’ managed to reunite, after ten years, El Sueño de Morfeo this summer in a solidarity concert in La Palma

Solidarity with the people affected by the palm volcano continue to arrive on the island, helping to recover the way of life of many of them who are still affected by the emergency. With the encouragement of Prensa Ibérica and Endesa Music Lover, and the achievement of thousands of followers of the pop-rock group El Sueño de Morfeo, these musicians were brought together so that ten years later they would get on stage together again with the aim to raise funds for La Palma.

Raquel del Rosario, David Feito and Juan Luis Suarez They did not take long to join the ‘Great Solidarity Challenge’ proposed by Prensa Ibérica, and now, with the delivery of a solidarity check for 40,678.95 euros, an important action is culminated that will go directly to those who continue to suffer the consequences of the volcano.

In an act, in which the vice president of the Cabildo palmero participated, Borja Perdomo; the Minister of Economic Promotion, Rachel Diaz; the general commercial director of Prensa Ibérica, Juan Pedro Diaz; the manager of New Spain, Edward Suarez; the Endesa delegate in La Palma, Carlos Rodriguez; the communication director of Endesa in the Canary Islands, Delia Jimenez Godoand, and the person in charge of e-distribution in La Palma, Fernando Capotewas the member of El Sueño de Morfeo, David Feitothe person in charge of making a symbolic delivery of the check with the profits generated in the concert that was held last June at the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium in Oviedo.

David Feito, from ‘El Sueño de Morfeo’, during the delivery of the solidarity check. | Robert Marti

David Feito stressed at the beginning of his speech that there is one word that stands out: ‘thank you’. It is, in addition to a “bidirectional” ‘thank you’, he said, recalling how “impressive” the sensations that arose during the concert and with the solidarity action.

David Feito: “It’s impressive what the clappers have achieved, something no one had achieved before in ten years”

The musician emphasized that «It is impressive what the palmeros have achieved, which no one had achieved before in ten years”, referring to the meeting of the components of this group. Something that hadn’t happened because “I guess the right circumstance hadn’t happened.”

With the concert offered in Asturias last June, in which the participation of Caja Rural de Asturias, Fuensanta, Turismo del Principado, Turismo de Islas Canarias, Oviedo City Council, Gijón City Council, Wanacars and Riverland was also essential, «we contribute our small support to La Palma», although he acknowledged that it would have been impossible without the participation of Prensa Ibérica and Endesa Music Lover. “It is impossible to get this support if there are not people like you behind it,” she stressed. Therefore, with the intention of the three members of the group to contribute their help to La Palma, he said “feel proud” of the work completed.

Regarding the destination of the money, which will go directly to the most affected people, he stressed that he would like it, whether it be a lot or a little, “to help specific people”, emphasizing that “that is what makes us most excited”.

The general commercial director of Prensa Ibérica, Juan Pedro Díaz, recounted the work carried out by the publisher and Endesa Music Lover to achieve, with the support of the fans, that El Sueño de Morfeo return to the stage. The opportunity arose “when we began to see what was happening with the volcano,” he said, this being the moment in which “we saw that it was necessary for us to participate,” adding the musical group to the initiative.

All this, as with any initiative emanating from Prensa Ibérica, with the intention of “leaving a mark on society and, beyond business results, achieve charitable goals», Diaz pointed out.

The general commercial director of Prensa Ibérica, Juan Pedro Díaz, recounted the work carried out by Grupo Editorial and Endesa Music Lover to get El Sueño de Morfeo back on stage. | Robert Marti

And it is that «this project always had a charitable aspect, in which we put our hearts», he stressed, being able to transmit it to the members of El Sueño de Morfeo from the first meeting. It was there where “we told them with emotion what we wanted to be something emotional, and get help for our brothers from La Palma,” Juan Pedro Díaz emphasized.

He also stressed that “with everything that happened, many people disconnected from the Island and went about their day-to-day,” recalling that when the group was told about the initiative, the volcano was at its peak, even thinking that when it materialized “people would no longer have the sensitivity.” But the truth is that “we told the Spaniards that the volcano was over, but many people in need were still there,” achieving in this way that they would not forget La Palma and the needs of its inhabitants.

Now, with the delivery of this solidarity check, “whether it is a lot or a little,” he said, “it is a pride to be able to make this action a reality.”

Lastly, he did not want to stop thanking El Sueño de Morfeo, Endesa Music Lover for their participation in the project «and all our colleagues from Prensa Ibérica, who have contributed to the appeal to society that we have made to unite the group» , Y make a check with more than 40,000 euros a reality and that “it serves so that the Spaniards do not forget that help is still needed here and that any collaboration will continue to be welcome.”

The Endesa delegate in La Palma, Carlos Rodríguez, spoke along the same lines, insisting that with the delivery of this aid “the only thing that fits is to thank everyone for the concert and this act of solidarity.” Now, he stressed, “the important thing is to be able to reach the people who have been suffering from the volcano for a year and it will take many years to get out of this.”

Rodríguez also recognized the need for any help, in this case from El Sueño de Morfeo and all the people who participated in the concert, “and who have made it possible to deliver this money that all palmeros need, who are directly or indirectly affected. “, said.

Borja Perdomo: “We have always felt the whole of Spain pending La Palma”

On behalf of all the palmeros, the vice president of the Cabildo de La Palma, Borja Perdomo, was in charge of collecting this donation in the form of a solidarity check,thanking this initiative that emerged from Prensa Ibérica and that he managed to get El Sueño de Morfeo together again for this fundraiser for the victims of the volcano on the Island.

Perdomo recalled that «we have always felt all of Spain pending La Palma», in the form of many initiatives that have taken place over the last year in favor of those affected on the Island.

He also showed his joy at the fact that the musical group has come together “again” for a concert in which “it was not only about raising money, but also about putting that grain of sand for the Island and that everyone we palm trees are grateful for it».

The Minister of Economic Promotion, Raquel Díaz, referred to the fact that «solidarity has no borders and neither does music», thanking «with capital letters» the sum of efforts of Endesa Music Lovers and Prensa Ibérica, «showing the most supportive face with its corporate social responsibility policy and giving back to society part of what they receive», and in this case for a causes such as meeting the most immediate needs of the victims of the volcano.

The Minister of Economic Promotion, Raquel Díaz, referred to the fact that “solidarity has no borders and neither does music.” | Robert Marti

He also indicated that this contribution comes a year later to serve people who are in a situation of extreme vulnerability and who continue to need, like the rest of the citizens of La Palma, the support of public administrations and also the business sector. Regarding this, he stressed that “this is one of the best formulas” to contribute to the island’s recovery process.

That is why he referred that thanks to the return to the stage of El Sueño de Morfeo “we make the dream of many people who continue to need support come true”, emphasizing his gratitude to the entire country that “has turned to the Island» and to Prensa Ibérica and Endesa Music Lover for that solidarity «and that halo of hope for the people who need it most to be able to attend to their most immediate needs».
