Premier League News: Honorary honors for Wayne Rooney and Patrick Vieira

Manchester United and Everton legend Wayne Rooney and iconic Arsenal captain Patrick Vieira are inducted into the Premier League Hall of Fame today.

The Hall of Fame celebrates the extraordinary skills and talents of those who have graced the Premier League since its inception in 1992. This is the highest individual honor bestowed on players by the League.

Rooney and Vieira are the top two candidates for 2022, and today they are about to decide to join six more from a shortlist of 25 ex-players. It will be determined by a popular vote today.

Rooney joins the select group as the second top scorer in Premier League history, after Alan Shearer, who debuted with 208 goals in 491 appearances. Rooney also has 103 assists from just two players.

Vieira dominated Arsenal’s midfield with a tremendous performance from 1996 to 2005, scoring 31 goals, 34 assists in 307 Premier League games, and three-time title wins.
