Premier League | Controversy between Rangnick and Cristiano over the trip to Portugal

03/08/2022 at 13:45


Ralf Rannick and Cristiano Ronaldo they are increasingly at odds. The German coach experiences a complete breakdown of the locker room Old Trafford due to the poor results of the team and the difficult situation between tensions for the captaincy, fight of egos and internal fights.

On Sunday, in the derby Manchester, Ronaldo he could not be with the team due to a blow to the hip that gave him the opportunity to travel to Portugal. The gesture surprised his own teammates, who did not have the support of the Portuguese in the match at the etihad.

In an interview to the Daily Mirror, rangnick wanted to clear the doubts on the loss of “7”. “I have to believe my medical staff. Our doctor came to see me on Friday morning before training and told me that Cristiano couldn’t train.”said.
